Bioglan Blogs

SimpELLE’s Post Run Stretch and Recovery Guide
Bioglan Active Magnesium recently collaborated with Elle, Fitness Pro, Entrepreneur & Masters Student to produce a ‘Post Run Stretch & Recovery Guide’. With the London

Bioglan Active Curcumin is ACE for anti-inflammatory
Tennis superstar, Andy Murray, recently revealed to Daily Mail, how an anti-inflammatory diet has helped aid his recovery from his 2019 hip operation. The former

Chloe Madeley tries Bioglan Active Magnesium Cream
Due to poor dietary and lifestyle choices, prolonged stress and excessive exercise, the UK Governments’ National Diet and Nutrition Survey has listed magnesium as a

Team ‘BioClan’ take part in Mud Monsters Run!
Yes they are crazy and yes they signed up to run, jump and climb through 5 kilometres of MUD! The team tied up their shoelaces

SmartKids Gummies Loved by All
Introducing Bioglan’s Happy Tummies Gummies are a delicious tasting & nutritious filled gummy with millions of good bacteria to look after a healthy gut! Mums love

Active Magnesium Range Hits Shelves
Our Brand New Active Magnesium range has hit a shelf near you! Due to poor dietary and lifestyle choices, prolonged stress and excessive exercise, the